
Philippians 3:2, Romans 16:17
Beware Of Them Dogs

Philippians 3:2 NKJV

     2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the mutilation!


Romans 16:17 NIV 17

     I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.


1.  Alley Dog

     Alley dogs are the ones that are always into the garbage cans.  They are always digging into the trash can to eat.


     There are people that are in the church that are like Alley Dogs.  They always are into other people's business.  They are taking in all of their garbage.  What out for these type of dogs because of what they take in will eventually come out.


2.  Mad Dog

     You don't call a man a dog because they don't like that and they will get mad.  However if you call them a Big Dog they are usually good with that.  A mad dog is the dog that is always mad about everything.  You go to pet them and they get mad.  You feed them and you best not touch their food.

     We have people in the church that are mad about everything that happens.  They are: Mad at the Pastor because they stepped on their toes. Mad at the Praise Team because they didn't sing old song or mad because they sing new songs. Mad at a Teacher because they didn't teach the way they think the class should be taught. Mad at an Usher because they missed them while taking up the offering.


3.  Jealous Dog


     Have you ever been to someone house that had several dogs and you try to pet one of them and they won't have anything to do with you.  Then when one of the other dogs come around and you start to pet that one then here comes the Jealous dog and try to hone in on the other dogs loving.

     One of the things we see a lot in our church's is a Jealous person.  They get upset when someone starts to hone in on their friends.  They will allow the devil to get them upset with their best friend because that friend went out with someone else.  Or they will get jealous because someone got something new.       

     Jealousy will tear you apart and away from God.  You cannot allow that spirit of jealousy creep into your hear.


4.  Bull Dog

     A Bull Dog is always trying to push his was somewhere they don't belong.


     We have people in the church that always want to be involved and try to push there way into things that they don't belong in.  But that same person won't take a position in the church because that not their calling.


5.  Bird Dog


     Bird Dogs will point to the bird, squirrel or raccoon but they will not kill the animal.


     People are so quick to point out other people and their wrong doings, however they will not fix their problems because they can't see theirs.


     Judas was a bird dog.  He was there to point out the prey by kissing Jesus on the cheek.  But he could not kill him.


     The one that tries to kill your program.  This is the people that will try to kill your Christmas Program or you message or teaching.  They don't agree with you so they will sit on your program and try to smother it out.

6.  Poodle Dog

     A Poodle Dog is has to always have special attention.


     You know the ones that always has to look the best.  They are always getting their hair done, their nails done, and a new dress.  You know the one that will always come into Sunday Morning Service after 11:00am and walk down the center isle so that she can be seen.  She always wants that special attention.


7.  Chow Dog

     They are cute and cuddly when they are small, but when they get older they like to snap at you.               There are people that you have to be careful with because, they will be your friend until you say or do just the wrong thing and then they will snap at you and you might loose a finger or worse.


8.  Hound Dog

     A hound dog will lay around all day and only wake up to hawol at night.  When I was a teenage my dad got a old hound dog that would sleep all day long.  It did not matter what you did in front of him or around him he would not move.  However at night he would keep you up because he would howl all night long.         

     Elvis even wrote a song about that: You ain't nothin' but a hound dog Cryin' all the time.


     We have people in the church that cry all the time about the bad instead of being happy about the good.  We need to be happy about what God has done for us.


9.  Spitz Dog

     Nice when you first pet them and then he will turn on you.


     Have you ever seen that person that they are nice as long as you are extremely nice to them.  Be careful because when you turn your back they will be putting you down instead of lifting you up.


10.  Chihuahua Dog

     The little dog that always barks at everything.  This little dog will always bark like she is 3' tall.       

     Watch out for the people that are always playing with Satan, because sooner or later you will get bit.  Beware of people that do not practice the word of God.  Beware of people that are always in other people's business, because often time they are out to destroy or hurt that person.

1 Peter 5:8 8

     Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.