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2 Chronicles 7:14
Blessings Can Be Given

 2 Chronicles 7:14 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.               Time on our knees in prayer is what will heal our heart and save our house.


4 Conditions of Blessing Upon Israel


1.         To humble themselves

     Humble - Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own Importance.               Another words remove my pride and humble myself to God               We must humble ourselves before God and everyone else and not think that we are it.  If we think that way then we will miss what God has for us.  Because, we fill we are too high and mighty to listen for what he wants us to do.               Some people seem to think they are the only ones that no how to do something.


2.         Pray

 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

16 Rejoice always,

17 pray without ceasing,

18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


     Sis. Whisenhunt has mentioned the scripture at the fellowship meeting and a couple of other time lately.  We need to continually be in prayer.  To stop and pray allows us to connect with God and it shuts down what more the enemy can do.  When we are in trouble, or argument or torment then we need to stop and pray.


     Sis. Salceda had told us of a dream that she had about division in this church.  The division would come to friendships, couples, families and between people in this church.


     The division is in full force.


3.         Seek God's face


To seek a deeper relationship with God.


     One of the things that most of us stop doing is praying and seeking God and his will.  We have this thing of thinking that we know everything and we don't need God.


4.         Turn from their wicked ways


     Some people have a wickedness about the way that they handle situations and people.


     Have you ever seen in the eyes of someone that is sinister?  I can't say that I have actually seen in those eyes.......or have I?  Someone that plots against the people of God and tries to bring that division that we were talking about.  Yes, that is the devil and he is in full force trying to destroy this church and everyone in it.


     I told you not but a few weeks ago to declare war on the devil and what he was trying to start.  You need to be faithful to God and the church that he has placed you in.  Support the church with not just finances but, with your work and your prayer.


3 Blessing Upon Israel For Obedience


1.         I will hear from heaven


     God says that if you pray then he will hear you from heaven.


2.         I will forgive their Sin


He says to cry out to him for forgiveness and he will forgive you of your sins.


3.         I will heal their land


     Then he says that he will heal your land.  (You're Household)


Blessings Can Be Given, however you must fight through prayer and supplication.