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Exodus 2:1-10
Mother's Children

 Exodus 2:1-10


            In this story you will find the love and giving heart of a mother.  A mother loves her child so much that she is willing to do what it takes to make sure her child is going to be ok.  

My mother taught me RELIGION:  "You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

My mother taught me LOGIC:  "Because I said so, that's why."

My mother taught me CONTORTIONISM:  "Will you look at the dirt on the back of your neck!"

My mother taught me STAMINA:  "You'll sit there until ALL the green beans are gone."  


     A woman columnist for the Los Angeles Times wrote about the influence her mother had on her.  She said her mamma taught her several rules for being a perfect lady:


1.    Mind your manners and always write "thank you" notes.

2.    Brush your hair.

3.    Appearance matters.

4.    Never marry a man in order to change him.

5.    Stand up straight and clean your fingernails.

6.    Eat everything on your plate and remember the starving children in the world.

7.    Speak up.

8.    If you ask for something, you may get it.

9.    If you don't ask, you may not get it.

10. Keep your mouth shut.  


1.  A Mother Loves: 

She loves her child unconditionally. 

She loves no matter what that child does or how they act.              


     My mother loved me even though I was not the perfect child.  She loved me even though I placed all kind of item in Nana Courtney's hair.  


2.  A Mother Watches:            

a.  She is always on the lookout for their child.            

b.  She always has their best interest at heart              


Story of working for EDM.  


3.  A Mother Listens:            

a.  She hears when her child is hurting.            

b.  She hears when her child is too quite.            

c.  She hears when her child says the wrong thing.              


Story about Mother fixing Delores, Brenda's, and Anita's hair.


4.  A Mother Helps:            

a.  She is someone that will help with the homework            

b.  She is someone that Kisses and bandages the boo-boo's.            

c.  She will help with her children's - children.              


     My wife is always willing to baby-sit all 4 of my daughter's boys.  Even though she knows when they come over it will be tough to do.  She will baby them, give them almost anything they want, and cook about anything they want.  


5. A Mother Teaches:           

.  Right from wrong            

c.  Table Manners            

d.  How to dress.              


     Mother will always get onto you no matter what age when you do or say something wrong.      


     A Mother will always love their children even when they do thing wrong and sometimes think they do no wrong.  

A mother should encourage their child.

A mother should teach their child in the ways of the Lord.

A mother should pray for the child daily. A mother should show them the way to Christ.

A mother should teach their child to read the word of God.

A mother should love their children the way that Jesus loved us.