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Ezekiel 34:11
God Has Not Stopped Looking For You

 No matter where you have been or what you have done God is still looking for you.  


Ezekiel 34:11

For thus says the Lord God: “Indeed I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out.  


Matthew 18:12-14

12 “What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying? 

13 And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray. 

14 Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.              


     Sometimes we seemed to get so lost in where we are and in what we are doing.              


     Many years ago I had a Chevrolet Silverado pickup that was stolen from the Golden Triangle Mall.  I walked inside the Sears store at the mall on the lower level and bought a tool.  I walked in and out in less than 10 minutes and my truck was gone.  When I contacted the police they said to go to mall security first.  When I went to them they placed me in a small pickup and a Security Guard drove me all over the parking lot to see If I saw my truck.              


     I kept tell him that I knew where I parked my pickup and it was in the same place I always park at.  He ignored me and some 20 minutes later he finally called the police.  By the time they arrived and took the report and called it in my truck was long gone and never see of again.  The truth is they probably never looked for that truck because they already knew that it was gone.              


     When I look at God and think about what he does for us, it is hard to believe.  God never stops looking for us even though we may be long gone.              


     How many times I have been out of church and away from God He never gave up.  There would even be times when I knew that He was looking for me and trying to draw me back in to Him.              


     I can remember time sitting at home and I would be flipping channels when I would come across a preacher and I would feel God tugging at my heart.              


     I also remember times when I would be out at a mall or store and come across those that I knew were Christians (maybe even people I knew) and I would feel God saying this is where you need to be at.              


     Sometime maybe you are already in with God.  God also is looking for you for other things. God is looking for true worshippers.              


     God is always look for a true worshipper.  One that will place there everything into worshipping God.  They will completely tune out everything and everyone around them to worship God with everything they have.   God is looking for those intercessor's in prayer              


     God is looking for those Mom's or Grandma's that will get down on their knees and pray.  They will call out to God for other people that are in trouble or that needs help.              


     God is looking for those Dad's or Grandpa's that when things go wrong with a car or in the work shop that will call out to Him for help and will call out for the friends that are in trouble or that needs help.              


     Even if God finds you like Jesus did full of the demons that possessed the men in Matthew 8 He will cast them out and make you clean.              


     In Matthew chapter 8 we see that He crosses the sea is approached by 2 men full of demons.  He asked for their name and they said legion (which mean many) and He cast them out into the pigs and they all ran themselves off of a cliff.              


     I would sometimes sit at home in a dark room watching TV and think to myself I should be at church.      


Matthew 6:33  

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.              


     We expect so much out of God, however we will not put God first.              


     It is important to realize that God must come first.  This means that when I am sick and don't feel God then I will call out on Him first.  There is nothing wrong with going to a Doctor, however we need to pray to God to heal us and then we can go to the Doctor if we feel it is necessary.              


     When we are in need of anything whether it be groceries, a job, a car, a house or whatever else it may be we should pray that God will help us first and He will guide us in our decisions.              


     If you are on your way to the emergency room then pray before the ambulance arrives or pray while you are on your way.              


     God's power and healing are unmatched.  God is always looking for you.  He is always trying to pull you back in to Him.    God's grace is sufficient and everything I want.  I need His grace, because I am not perfect.  


God is More Than Enough!  


He Is All I Need!