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Genesis 3:1-7
Off Road With God

Genesis 3:1-7

Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”

And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; 

but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ”

Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 

For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. 

Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.              


     Where do you get in a rut in life and how do you come out?              


     I have watched several videos where the jeeps will go off road to enjoy the reason for having a jeep.  To those people crawling over rocks in the jeep and balance in a almost straight up or a straight down position always seems exciting.              


     It seems though, as a jeep goes up a trail that they will occasionally come across a rut or a muddy spot.  When this happens the jeep will dig itself in deeper than it can get out.              


     We are a lot like that jeep as we are going through life everything is smooth until that one thing that we drop off into will hold us and make us go deeper into that.              


     Often time we are so deep that we are hitting bottom like that jeep and we need to be pulled out.  Usually a jeep will travel with a buddy or two in other off road vehicles so that if it gets in a rut then they have someone that can help get them out.              


     If we will hold on to God and keep him with us then he will be there to help get us out of the rut that we should have avoided to begin with.   In this story of Adam and Eve they are in God's bubble.  They are under God's protection from whatever is outside that garden.  It seems like the better we are protected the more we like to push our way out the more we want to see what we can do or get away with.              


     When that jeep is stuck the way that they decide to pull it our could go very right or very wrong.              


     Every decision you have made in the past has put you or someone you love on a very specific path.  That could be the wrong path to Hell or the right path to Heaven.              


     Here is the thing that you may have not thought about and that is if you get that jeep pulled out and back on solid ground you still have all of the dirt and damage that may have happened.              


     That person in the jeep will stop once there out of the rut and check the undercarriage and the wheels, tires, and suspension before moving forward.              


     When we get stuck in that rut sometime we come out of it dirty or with damage and we need to know that God is there to help heal us and clean us up.  I have known people that were Acholics that they would get out of drinking and start trying to sober up.  When they get out of that rut they will start trying to recover, however if they never seek the help then they will hope right back into a rut a few days, weeks or maybe even a month down the road.              


     The problem is that sometimes we take the time to check ourselves before moving on.  We need to read the Word of God and live by it and not only get to know God more, but to live the life that he has laid out for us.              


     The title of the section that we are talking about this morning is "The Temptation and Fall of Man."  You see because Adam and Eve had eaten of the fruit they were not going to be removed from God's bubble.              


     They were under total protection until they sinned and did what they were told not to.  How many time had Dad told you not to do something and you did it anyway.  Then later you are having problems or crying because Daddy was right.  We must learn to listen.              


     When the people that off road are getting ready to go to the wilderness they begin to check out their off road vehicles.  They want to check the engine, water, tires, suspension, wheels, the winch and pack what they might need just in case.              


     If we are going to get to Heaven there are some things that we need to do to get prepared.               


     If you are going to get a job then there are some things you need to do to get a job.  


1.  Resume.            

     I will usually get it ready and ask someone I trust to look it over to see if it is ok.  


2.  Fill out applications.  


3.  Answer the phone to get an interview.            

     Some people won't answer the phone because they think it is a spam call.  


4.  Get cleaned up.            

     Take a bath and wash your hair and put on some cologne or perfume to make sure you smell good.  


5. Trim your hair, and beard.  


6.  Put on nice clothes.            

     Don't go in your holy jeans that they shirt that is all wrinkled.   It is no different if we plan on making Heave our home.  


1.  We need to ask God for forgiveness of our sins.            

     In order to be saved you must confess your sins and have Faith in John 3:16.  


2.  We need to read the Word of God, The Bible.            

     If you don't read the word of God then you will not know the way to Heaven.  


3.  We should be seeking to get filled with the Holy Spirit.            

     Although it is not necessary to be filled with the Holy Spirit to make it in to Heaven it should be a priority to seek and get it.  The Holy Spirit is a comforter, a help in battle against Satan, a friend that will always be there even win you are left alone.  

4.  Continually Pray.

     Prayer is the best think you can do to make it into Heaven.  Prayer is the question and answer to all of your problems.              


     Those people in those jeep if they want to make it to the top of a hill or mountain they must keep pushing forward.             


     Adam and Eve lost their protection because they listen to the Devil and gave into temptation and ate the fruit.  Then the already knew that they did wrong and was booted out of Eden and had consequences to their actions.              


     They spent the rest of their life suffering in the dirt trying to eat and suffered bearing children all because they did not obey.