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Hebrews 10:25
God Called To Serve

 Hebrews 10:25

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.              


     As we get older we are always talking about when I was young?  I know that I say this a lot.  When I was younger we used to have those awesome service where when you got up from the alter you would be so tired and yet satisfied.              


     When was the last time you got up from the altar satisfied.              


     We come in on Sunday Morning ready for service and we usually have a great an awesome service, however when we get home the Devil attacks. have already been to church this morning and you are tired.  You deserve to stay home and rest.              


     Or the other one is someone in my family decided to come and visit and did not leave until too late for me to go to church.  This could be those famous last words when God shows up to take us home to glory.              


     Now, I am not saying what you did was a sin, however what if you start losing your connection with God because you do not come as much as you can?              


     Let me tell you I am someone who was raised up on a church pew.  I even got left inside the church one time asleep on the church pew and woke up to find the lights out and the doors locked and you would think I would have never lost my salvation, but I did.              


     We must gather together in the house of the Lord to pray for one another.  It is a vital part of our DNA that we need fellowship, friendship, and laughter with one another.  


Proverbs 17:22

A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.   Merry - Cheerful and lively.              


     I used to have a very good friend that would laugh at everything you said.  When he got on a laughing spree he could not stop.  I loved being around him because he had a cheerful and lively way about him.  Yes, there were time when we would be in a place to eat and he would get to laughing and you would start looking around to see if anyone was looking, but then you would start just enjoying the fact that he was happy.              


     We as Christian should have a joyful and happy laugh at things.  It is hard when the Devil get your number and start calling you up to aggravate you and try to make you get away from God.  I go news for you folks, hard times and things are going to come your way, however at least you have God on your side that will help you to heal and fight against the enemy.              


     The temple or tabernacle as it was in the days of Moses, Noah, Solomon, and all of the old followers of God were a place of gathering.  This was a place of repentance and receiving what God had for them.              


     Today is no different the church is a place for us to gather together and ask Jesus for repentance and getting filled back up with what God has for us.              


     The pastor's heart of the Apostle Paul comes through these scriptures.              


     I was excited about the Bible Study this last week, because I have not been able to be in the Bible Studies much lately.  As well it was exciting because I needed to be in company with my Family at MTC.  


Philippians 1:3-7

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, 

always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, 

for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, 

being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; 

just as it is right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers with me of grace.              


     Can't you just hear Paul's affection for these precious people who partnered with him in spreading the glorious gospel of grace?              


     We should love one another and pray for one another.  Why should we spend our time upset at each other because of something that was done or said?  We should spend our time in prayer for the MTC Family member that is in need of prayer.              


     We come to church on Sunday and see someone at the altar praying and crying out to God and then come Monday morning they are all down or upset and all we can say is I guess they did not get what they needed from God.  This is the time when we need to quite putting them down and start lifting them up in prayer.  The chances are that the devil got mad at them praying for everyone on Sunday Morning and come Monday he is trying to get them to leave God and come over to the dark side.              


     The devil does not care about you.  He is not your best friend but as a Christian he is your enemy.              


     If you don't know how to love one another then how can you love Christ.  If you can't find a way to love then get on your knees and ask God to give you the love for people and be sincere.  


Galatians 6:2

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.              


     When one of our MTC Family members hurt we hurt.  We may not hurt physically, however we feel pain for them because they are in pain.  That's when we pray for them that God will heal.              


     Tell the good news to other people.  We should be trying to talk to people that we meet about Christ.  And sometimes that can pay off when someone that you don't know gives you a word from God.              


     Yesterday I had to take our car up and get a tire repaired that had a screw in it.  When I arrived at the repair shop I told the man what was wrong and then walked up close to the building to stand in the shade.  There was a man sitting down in a chair looking at his tablet and there was an empty chair next to him.  I was not really wanting to sit down at the time so, I stood on the corner of the building watching cars go by with a chair right next to me.  In a few minutes another man pulled in and sat down in the chair next to me.  As I was standing there I just kept hearing God say go and sit down in that chair next to the other man and talk to him.  So after about 8 to 10 minutes I approached the man and started to sit down.              


     He loudly said come on and sit down.  I sat down and he held out his hand and told me his name and shook my hand.  I said my name is Rev. Starnes and he said what?  So, I then repeated myself and he said what is your first name and of course I said Dewayne.  He said so you called yourself Reverend and I said "Yes Sir" and he ask "What do you mean or you a minister" and I said I am a Pastor.              


     Then we proceeded to talk as I learned he had been a missionary for many years.  Then he said I have something that a friend text me this morning and I want you to hear it.  It basically said to be joyful and committed to what God has called you to do.  When I got ready to leave he grabbed my hand and prayed for me.              


     God called you and gave you life to not only Worship, but to also serve.  We should be a servant to the most high King.  It is important that we show people that we are Christians.              


     I used to only go to church on Sunday morning for a while and it was hard to get back in the habit.  But, when you have a love for God and your MTC Family then you want to go and see how everyone is.              


God called you to serve.  Will you serve Him?              

Will you come to His house of worship?            

Will you lift up those hands?            

Will you kneel and pray?            

Will you be a servant of the Lord?