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Mark 4:26-29
Planted In The Dirt Of God

 Mark 4:26-29

2And He said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground, 

27 and should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how. 

28 For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head. 

29 But when the grain ripens, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”              


The seeds that we plant today usually have to be planted in dirt in order to grow.  We see in these scriptures that seeds grow with the roots first and then stock or blade and then they see will begin to grow it's vegetables.              


In order for us to see a crop or harvest we must invest the time to get the fields ready.  So, how do we get the fields ready.              


We must first till the ground.  When I was living in Ponder I had a huge garden in the back of the lot.  It was approximately 80' Long and 30' to 40' feet wide.  This was a pretty big job to till all of that ground.  I bought a brand new Craftsman tiller at that time and it took me 2 days working about 4 hours per day.              


Then depending on your soil you may have to add in some different nutrients into the soil to help the growth of your seeds.  Next you will have to plant your seeds and once your seed is in the ground it has to be water and get sun.              


If you have done everything right you will begin to see the stock or blades begin to pop up.  Then later you will start to see the fruit or vegetable that it produces.              


When I had my garden I used to have corn, green beans, radish's, cucumbers, okra, carrots, watermelon and cantaloupes.              


Today I have a lot of flowers and plants that I grow.  My favorite are the elephant ears and I have quite a few.  If they do not have a good root system they cannot hold themselves up.              


I am reminded of a time when Jesus knew he was about to be crucified that he was having supper with his disciples and he decided to wash their feet.  He began to wash all the disciples feet and Peter complained because he thought that Jesus should not be washing his feet.  And in John 13 Jesus told Peter that he was not all clean.  He already knew that Peter would betray him and yet He still washed the dirt from Peter's feet.              


This is symbolic because that is what Jesus was about to do is to die for all of the sins that Peter and everyone else had committed. He was about to wipe the slate clean.              


You see the dirt is essential to be planted firmly in the ground so that roots will have something to hold on too.  God created us to have a solid root system in Him.              


In order for us to grow in God we need to be firmly planted in the word of God.  The Bible is important to us, because we need to depend upon it to help us make it to heaven.              


The same dirt that Jesus walked on was no more different then what we walk on.              


If you will plant yourself in the word of God and read and study then you will eventually have that growth in your words and you will plant that seed and it will grow.  It will end up growing that fruit that will be ready for that great Harvest.              


The dirt is the very foundation of your house.  It you are planted in the dirt and you grow roots then you will survive the storms.              


When a tree is planted and it grows it's root system it will grow several roots.  Some trees will even have a main room that goes straight down.  A tree that is a quick grower will tumble and fall in the big storms, but a tree that has taken it's time to grown a lot of roots had a better chance of surviving.              


Get out your Bible and study.  We have a Bible study every Wednesday Night that helps teach the word of God.  You might say well you don't serve supper any more or we don't have you favorite drink so you choose to stay home.              


Church is not about the material things or the food that you get.  Church is about teaching you and helping you to grow in who you are in Christ.              


I can't get you to heaven.  I cannot walk you in to heaven.  So, if you are following me then you best look out because I did not die upon a cross for your sins.  But I do know one who did and His name is Jesus.              


Bow on your knees and talk to God daily and pray for your salvation, your family, your friends, & your pastors.              


Quit trying to ride your church seat to Heaven.              


You cannot be a witness to people out in the world if you are always down and always talk bad about God and your church.  Every church out there has there problems and they sure don't need you running them down any more.  Encourage people to go to church and be faithful with God.              


If you have ever wondered why God doesn't do things for you then first make sure you are being faithful to him and second pray, talk to God.               Know your enemy!  Satan is a liar and your sworn enemy.  He will use the people around you whether it is your family or your friends to tear you down.  He will lie to you or about you or he will steal your joy.              


Be on the lookout get yourself plant in solid ground because he will be out to get you.