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1 Timothy 2:3-4
The Hole In Your Soul

1 Timothy 2:3-4

 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.


            There are 2 reasons for Christians to remain in this world: to grow and go.


Can I persuade you to buy something?


            If I am trying to sell you some of my homemade pumpkin bread then I am going to tell you this is the best pumpkin bread you have ever had.  The pumpkin bread is moist and has a taste that you have never had before for only $10 a loaf.  That's not bad and you know that your family will love it.


            Or if I was going to try to sell you these candles.  They have a great smell and they burn really well.  They will give you many hours of a great smell in your house.


            Or if I was going to sell you one of the beautiful reefs that Myranda made.  It would look great hanging on your wall or front door.  If you go to the store to buy these retail, I have seen something like this go for $70  to $85 dollars.  You will be the envy of the neighborhood.


            Do you want to go with us to Branson with us?  Y'all would have a great time.  We always have a lot of fun going to see Sights and Sounds Theater.  Last time we got to see the miracles of Christmas.  And they even have two side stages on each side that open up a few minutes after they start.  And the museums are awesome to go see and great food there too.


            It's ok to do that, there is nothing wrong with that.  We do it all the time and the Bible doesn't specify that it is wrong or a sin specifically.


            People try to persuade others to do, buy, and accept many things by appealing to human needs and desires.  Some of these things are accepted and some or not.  But nothing that people offer is as important as what God offers.


We are going to talk about what Jesus commissions His followers to do with His message.


  1. Christians' Commission


Matthew 28:19-20

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.


Mark 16:15

15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.


            This was His final words before leaving the earth, Jesus gave us a direct command to tell others the good news about what He's done for us, that He offers true life and purpose to those who follow Him.


            I don't know about you but I get excited when I start to think about the things God has done in my life.


            Not too long ago I was having a lot of problem with the bottom of my feet that had been giving me a lot of pain for several weeks.  There were times that I could hardly stand to be on my feet.  But I had this congregation pray for me at the end of service one Sunday morning and the pain stopped and has not been back since and that has been a couple of months ago.


            God has healed me when I have a stomachs, coughing, hurting in many areas and some of those healing have happened immediately.


            If you have been healed do you not what to tell other people.  If you take a medicine or on a diet and it is working do you not want to tell everyone?


            The Christians' Commission is to tell people how excited we are about what God has done in our life in order to bring them to salvation.  This is what Jesus was telling His disciples to do back then and us to do now.  He wants everyone on this earth to make it to Heaven.


  1. Non-Christians' Condition


            Let's take a look at the donut that I have.  When we hole it up we find that there is a hole in the middle.


            Have you ever wondered why there is a hole in the middle of a donut?


            To fully cook the inside of the dough, the dough would have to stay in the oil for a longer time, which would lead to the outsides becoming burnt.  Punching a hole in the middle of the dough, however, allows the insides and the outsides to cook evenly, creating a perfect donut.


            Which has now made a big market for the donut holes.


            Let's look at it this way God never created mankind to be in sin.  He created us to be always be with him.


            When Adam and Eve were in the garden they were convinced by Satan to eat of the thing they were not suppose too.  When they did they entered or opened up the world of sin in their lives.  This created and empty spot inside they could and can never be filled without God.


            Now if you are this donut and you have a hole inside because you have an emptiness then the only way that can be filled is with salvation.  Then Jesus can enter in and fill that emptiness or hole that you have inside.


            People try to fill this emptiness inside with everything from entertainment, work, sports, achievements, music, sex, alcohol, and drugs.  Some of these things aren't inherently bad; others are horribly destructive.  However, none of these can truly fill the emptiness inside.


  1. God's Compassion


Matthew 9:36

36 But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.


            God has great compassion on us and give us every opportunity to make our heart right with him so that we can fill that emptiness. 


  1. People's Desire


            No matter whom you ask or where, you'd get many of the same answers.  Everyone wants to be loved, happy, and secure.  Many people simply don't know where to find true fulfillment for their longings.


1 John 4:9-10 - Love:  God demonstrated His love for us by sending His Son to make the ultimate sacrifice for us.

John 15:10-11 - Joy:  Living for God brings complete joy.


John 16:33 - Peace:  Jesus' followers can have peace, even in tough times, because Jesus prevailed over the world's troubles


John 8:32-36 - Freedom:  Jesus' message brings spiritual freedom.


            Almost everyone would list their greatest desires would find that God offers that very things.  However, people tend to look everywhere else but to God.


            Do you have an emptiness inside?


            It is time for you to let God take away that emptiness and give you the things that you desire.