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James 4:7
Your Answer Is On Its Way

James 4:7

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.


            We start out when Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian.  And he led the flock to the back of the desert.  And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush.


            Moses did not want to look at this great sight of the burning bush.  Then Moses turns aside and God speaks out of the middle of the burning bush.  The God tells Moses of His people that are oppressed by the Egyptians.


            God proceeds to tell Moses to go and free His people, however Moses refused.  Moses used the excuse that he had a stuttering problem and was afraid to go to Pharaoh and talk to him.


            God tells Moses that He will send his brother Aaron with him to talk for him.  And the two of them start off on a journey to free the Israelites.


            Now the Israelites have been held captive and became slaves for many years.  They made bricks for Egypt and when Moses first went and talked to the Pharaoh in chapter 5.  When Moses told Pharaoh to let the Israelites go the Pharaoh decided to make their jobs of making bricks even harder by not giving them the hay to make them.  Even worse they had to go and gather their own hay and then he would only allow them the hay stubble after the hay had been picked.


            In our lives the Devil will come at us and try his best to get us oppressed even more and more.  And I want you to know that this was all because they wanted to go and sacrifice to God.


            When we get up on Sunday Morning's the devil starts to come up with ways to keep us from going.  He tries to make us not feel good.  My stomach is hurting, I am so sore from yesterday mowing the yard, or working on the car.  Or of course some of the other classics, I have a headache, my nose is running, and I have a sore throat.


            We often have the same problems on Sunday night and Wednesday night.  The Devil will do all he can to keep you from going to church to Worship or make sacrifice to God.


            In Exodus we find a people that are slaves in Egypt and today we are not even slave and yet we get oppressed by the Devil in other ways.  God sometimes gives a job to do in the church or outside talking to people and Satan will give us excuses and problems to not do what God wants.  We can be oppressed.


            Our prayer time and our worship are very important to our survival and to God who created us.  When He created us He place the worship in us to be ignited and explode before Him.


            He will even give us signs of what to do and who to talk to and we still don't heed them.  We will ignore everything that God shows us.


            In Exodus chapter 4 and in verse 3 God tells Moses to throw down his rod and when he does it turns into a snake.  And Moses got scared and jumped away from the snake, but God told him to pick up the snake by the tail.  And when Moses reached out his hand and grabbed to the snake by the tail it turned back into the rod.


            And then he went on to tell Moses to put his hand in his coat and then pull it back out and when he did it was leprous like snow.  Then when he put his hand back in his coat it became as normal.


            One Sunday during a service God spoke to me to pull someone aside and talked to them.  So I went out and ask this person if they would come to the nursery that I needed to talk to them.  When we got into the nursery God told me to ask them this question.  When are you going to listen to what God has been telling you.  God has been talking to you about ministering and when are you going to heed that call and do what He asked.


            God may tell you to pay for someone's meal or He may be telling you to share the gospel of Christ.  Please listen up to God.


            As we had talked about earlier in chapter 5 it was the first time Moses had to talk to Pharaoh to let God's people go.  Then after we see several attempts to talk to Pharaoh we see the Plague's that God put upon Egypt.


Here is a list of the Plague's


  1. Water Became Blood
  2. Frogs
  3. Lice
  4. Flies
  5. Livestock Diseased
  6. Boils
  7. Hail
  8. Locusts
  9. Death Of The Firstborn


            As we can see the Devil does not stop easily, however when we have God on our side anything is possible.  Don't stop praying for God to heal you or save a loved one or whatever your prayer is because, the answer is on it's way.


            God has not overlooked you or ignored you.  He will do things in His own way and His own time.


Matthew 19:26

26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


            The Devil will constantly be on your heels. 

He will tell you that you are sick. 

He will make your car break down. 

He will cause you to not sleep at night. 

He will make you think you are crazy. 

He will make you think about suicide. 

He will make you want that next drink of liquor. 

He will make you want another hit of that drug.

He will make you depressed.

He will make you have anxiety


            But God is bigger that he is and God has already conquered the Satan.  So get up and pull up your boot straps and put on the feed bag of God and start acting right, worshiping right, and praying right and you will touch the hem of His garment and be made whole.