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Romans 12:1
Worshiping God

Romans 12:1

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.


            Have you ever been in a worship service and found yourself thinking, I don't feel anything?  Most every believer has had that experience before, because most of us expect a good worship service to move us on an emotional level.  It should never depend on the songs that are being sung, the mood that is being set or our emotions.


            We can do more than worship God through our lifestyle and choices and words.


            When we hear the word worship, we often think of things such as singing, raising our hands, playing an instrument, and praying.  These are all important aspects of worship, but unless our worship goes beyond the church experience and becomes a way of life, it lacks authenticity.  Thankfully, the Bible teaches us how to really honor God in all we do.


  1. We Worship by Being Willing To Sacrifice


1 Chronicles 21:1-2

Now Satan stood up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel. 

So David said to Joab and to the leaders of the people, “Go, number Israel from Beersheba to Dan, and bring the number of them to me that I may know it.


            Notice in verse 1 it said Now Satan stood up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel.  Satan will convince you to do things that you thought you would never do even again God's orders.


            King David had defied God's desire by taking a national census of Israel.  As a result , God punished the people.  When David saw the angel of the Lord who had been carrying out the destruction, he humbles himself and followed God's command to build an altar of worship.


            Sometimes it's when we know that we are in trouble that we finally wake up to a whole new cup of coffee that when change our day.  You remember when Mom used to give you the look that you knew you were in some serious trouble.


            Araunah, the man who owned the land wanted to donate everything needed for the sacrifices, but David refused and insisted on paying full price.  David knew that worship lacked value and authenticity to God if it did not involve personal sacrifice.


            We sacrifice to God through worship even when we don't feel like it, it is giving up things that hinder our relationship with God and serving Him even when we face persecution for our faith.


Hebrews 13:15-16

15 Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, [a]giving thanks to His name. 

16 But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.


            "A Sacrifice Of Praise" is not something do in a church service by singing a song or speaking words of praise to God.  It is what we produce from our lips.  What we sing and what we say must give the fruit that is on our lips and in our heart that will send out a praise to God.


  1. We Worship By Being Servants


            In Romans 12:2 it reminds us, offering ourselves as a living sacrifice is our spiritual act of worship.  The Greek word that is translated "worship" literally means ministry or service to God.


            When we do good to others because of our relationship with Jesus, not only do we honor God, but others may notice our example and thank and worship Him as well.


            We must become servants.


            In James 2:14-26 tell us those who claim to know God, yet show no practical evidence of sincere devotion to Him.  Such people may have an intellectual belief in God and may accept some of His truth, but they have not sincerely entrusted their lives to Christ.


            You cannot separate true faith from godly actions.  If we love and trust God we'll show His love to other in practical ways.


            To Service is to Worship God.


  1. We Worship By Obeying God


            Through out the word of God there is a lot of things that we must do to enter the gates of heaven.  Although we have grace we also have rules.  And many time it says that if we do not obey those rules that we will not make it into heaven, but we will make hell our home.


            In 1 Samuel 15:19-23 God told Saul to completely destroy the Amalekites because they had been the first to oppose Israel as they wandered in the desert following their departure from slavery in Egypt.  But Saul failed to obey God's command by sparing the Amalekite king, the best livestock, and other spoils of war.  Sau's excuse was that he had spared the best things to sacrifice to God.  But God rejected Saul as king.


            When God give you a command then it is best that you follow it otherwise you are going against Him and you will be going against his rule.


            When you worship God you do it with everything you have.  That means you do it by:



Reading The Word of God




            To Worship God should be your everything, everyday, everywhere life.